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Erotic Good Intentions

MariaMaria is verified member.

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Mar 12, 2023
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Isn't it funny how the smallest of actions can carry such great consequences? We may set out to do something with the absolute best of intentions, but larger forces seem to conspire against us and the subsequent outcome is far different than we ever could have imagined. This is a story of just one such event, and the resulting pickle in which I now find myself.
My name is Jill, and I am a forty-three-year-old divorced mom of two wonderful children. My eldest is a daughter who is twenty-one years of age and lives nearby in an apartment with her longtime boyfriend. My youngest is Kyle, an eighteen-year-old high school senior who lives here at home with me.
I am a registered nurse and work the odd hours that often come with the job. As such, I have to admit I was not always around to observe my children's lives as much as I would have liked, particularly since the divorce. My daughter, Michelle, seemed to enjoy wonderful school years and was always on the go at one function or another. Kyle's high school experience appeared much different however, which caused me a great deal of concern.
Kyle is a smart, handsome kid, but is also quite shy. As a child he had several good friends and was very active, but of late he seemed to always be at home alone, working or playing on his laptop. I spoke to him about it several times, but he simply said he and his buddies preferred playing video games online to just hanging out like they used to. I never understood video games and hoped he was being honest with me, yet I remained a tad skeptical.
I confided in a couple of my friends that I was worried about Kyle's behavior, but none appeared worried at all. The common refrain from them all was simply, "Kids are just different these days, Jill." As much as I wanted to believe them, I was still worried.
I began to contemplate Kyle's sexuality for the first time. Did he masturbate? Was he a virgin? Had he ever even kissed a girl, or touch a breast? Could it be he might be gay and struggling to come to grips with that fact? I then thought about all the time he spent online. Was he going into adult sites to see things he didn't have in real life? He had become withdrawn in some ways, so nothing would really surprise me.
My ex-husband and I had more than our share of issues in our relationship, but nocturnal activities in the bedroom were never a part of them. We both enjoyed high sex drives, so I just assumed our children would follow our lead. A healthy sexual appetite is a good thing for one's outlook on life.

As a single mom, I didn't want to smother him, so I let him walk his own path. Now I realized he may have needed a confidant to share things with, or maybe get advice from time to time. As part of my job, I listen to patients all the time, but for some inexplicable reason, had neglected my own child.
I had let things go on too long and made up my mind to have a heart to heart with Kyle, the likes of which we'd never had before. When I arrived home after work, I poured myself a glass of wine and tried to figure out the best way to tackle things with him. I certainly didn't want to come on too strong after ignoring his behavior like I had.
When he came home from school that afternoon, Kyle went straight to his room, as he did most every day. I took a deep breath, knocked on his door, and entered the room to chat with him.
Kyle seemed annoyed that I interrupted whatever he was doing online, but he made a few keystrokes on his laptop and then looked up at me. I tried to give him my best easy going smile to let him know everything was okay, and then I sat down on the bed beside his desk. "Kyle, is everything okay at school?"
"Sure Mom, why do you ask?"
I hesitated for a moment, then responded, "Well, it's just I never see you with your friends anymore."
"I told you, we like to play online," he answered, sounding somewhat irritated.
"I know, sweetie, it's just you never seem to leave the house."
"Mom, what's this all about?" he asked.
"Nothing, really...it's just, well, I'm concerned about you," I stammered, suddenly regretting that second glass of wine.
"I'm fine," he responded, as his hands went back to the computer.
He must have felt the conversation was over, but I was just getting started. "Do you have a girlfriend?"
Kyle let out an audible sigh, and simply replied, "No."
I wasn't sure exactly how to ask it, but before I even knew what happened I said, "You do like girls, don't you?"
"Jesus, Mom!" he barked. "Is that what this is all about?"
"Relax honey, please," I said, trying to calm things down.
"I'm fine, okay," he replied, and then added, "And I'm not gay."
A big part of me felt like I'd crossed the line and should leave him alone. We both remained silent for a moment; unsure of what to say next. I finally decided to get one more thing out in the open, so I stammered less than eloquently, "You know I'm a nurse, and, well, if you ever have any questions, umm, you know...about sex, you can ask me."
Kyle blushed, but simply nodded back at me with a somber look upon his face.
Not wanting to let things drop just yet, I added, "I know your dad isn't great at this stuff, so if you need anything, I mean anything, just ask. Okay?" He nodded once more, and with that I decided to let him off the hook and walked away.
Over the next few weeks, I did my best to engage Kyle in conversation whenever possible, and overall, he seemed okay with my renewed interest in his life. He didn't push me away, which was a start anyway. I pressed him gently about any relationships with girls, but he was not very forthcoming. I had the impression he was still a virgin, but that was fine with me. He assured me life was good, so I dropped it.
One night after working the graveyard shift, I stopped into a convenience store to grab a cup of coffee for the ride home. I had been in numerous times before and had spied the adult magazines lined up on a rack behind the counter. After all my questioning of Kyle regarding his love life, I impulsively decided to buy him a couple as a bit of an olive branch.
I didn't know which ones to get, but the two names I recognized were Playboy and Penthouse, so I purchased one of each. The guy behind the counter gave me a lecherous grin, but thankfully said nothing as he tucked them in a paper sack for me. I almost ran to the car before anyone could see me with them, and then headed for home.
After Kyle left for school, I pulled the magazines out of the bag and was tempted to review them. They were wrapped in plastic, so I decided to leave them as they were and set them on a table next to his bed. I hoped my act would show him I thought he was an adult, and it was safe to engage me about his feelings if ever he needed to.
I intentionally made it a point of not asking him about the magazines the next few days, and Kyle said nothing either. We both pretended nothing had changed. Candidly, I wondered if he had been masturbating to the pictures, which was fine with me. I owned a vibrator and diddled myself off at least three or four times per week, so I couldn't be a hypocrite.
I did notice that he become more attentive to me, helping clean up after dinner and the like. Maybe he had come to appreciate my attention, and the fact that I tried to treat him like an adult rather than a child.
About two weeks later, I just happened to have an entire Tuesday off, so I did errands and cleaned the house. When I brought a load of fresh laundry into Kyle's room, I was suddenly curious about the magazines I had left. I opened the drawer of his bedside table and found them right on top. It had been years since I'd actually looked at one and wondered if they were still the same.
I sat down on Kyle's bed and began leafing through the Playboy. I was mildly surprised to find there were so many articles about things other than sex. The pictorials were tastefully done, and the women were even more beautiful than I had remembered.
Done with the Playboy, I opened the Penthouse and began looking it over as well. The pictures were more graphic, but not too bad overall. I then found a section titled, Forum, and began to read. Apparently, they were letters from readers, detailing their sexual liaisons, and I must admit I quickly became engrossed. One of the first stories I read was from a college girl who seduced her professor, and it really made my pulse pound.
Next, I read about a guy who bedded his mother's best friend, which seemed naughty but oh so sexy. Without even realizing what I was doing, my right hand wandered up under my skirt and I began softly stroking my pussy through my panties.
My body grew warmer as I scanned the subsequent tale. It was from a female lawyer who made it with her sexy new assistant in her office after hours. It reminded me of another nurse from work who made it clear on a couple of occasions she was interested in me. I was too chicken to acknowledge her overt hints, but I had fantasized about her on many occasions. Her name was Diane, and I closed my eyes and rubbed myself faster, picturing the two of us together just like the lawyer and her assistant.
I dropped the magazine and began pinching a nipple with my free hand while the other was busy between my legs. When my orgasm hit, I fell back on the bed with a loud moan, basking in the wonderful sensations. After a minute or so of panting and writhing atop the mattress, I opened my eyes and was shocked to see Kyle standing at the door to his room, a look of wonder written all over his face.
I jumped up and stood before him, nervously straightening my skirt. "What are you doing home so early?" I barked, feeling more embarrassed than at any other time in my life.
"It's the first Tuesday of the month."
At that moment my head was swimming, so I asked, "What does that mean?"
"It's always early release for teacher's meetings on the first Tuesday of the month. You know, half days." he replied.
Of course, how could I have forgotten? I was so caught up in my errands and then, well, you know, I had lost focus. Feeling like a complete fool, I just had to get out of the room. I quickly walked past him and muttered, "Your laundry's done." As I did, I couldn't help but notice the large lump in his slacks and wondered just how long he had been watching me.
I did my best to avoid Kyle the rest of the day, but over dinner there was obvious tension in the air. Needing to address it, I finally said, "I'm sorry for invading your privacy today. I shouldn't have been in your room."
He gave me a soft smile and said, "It's okay, Mom."
We ate in silence for a while longer, but I had to bring up the elephant in the room. With more than a bit of anxiety, I asked, "You saw what I was doing, didn't you?"
"Yes," was all he said. Obviously, he wasn't going to make this easy on me
"Well, I know some people say it's sinful, but I want to let you know that masturbation is normal and healthy," I stated, I'm sure sounding rather more clinical than I had hoped. He just looked back at me, as if at a loss for words. For some inexplicable reason, I asked, "Do you masturbate?"
His face went red, but after a pause he slowly nodded his head. "It's completely normal sweetheart. You have nothing; I mean nothing to be ashamed of, understand?" He simply nodded again.
Although I was feeling pretty embarrassed with everything, I added, "Remember, if you have any questions or need anything, just ask."
He answered, "Okay, Mom," and we both went back to eating in silence.
Things seemed to get back to normal quickly, albeit with a few minor changes. Instead of playing on the computer in his room, Kyle would usually set the laptop on either the kitchen or living room table. We would chat while he played online, and sometimes he tried to explain why he found it so interesting. His passion for the games was lost on me, but I loved our new closeness regardless.
There was one change in me as well. As I said, I have always been a sexual being, but had never at all had been an exhibitionist. For some reason, after the little mishap in Kyle's room, I suddenly became titillated at the idea of being watched. On more than a few occasions, I rubbed myself off in bed, imagining someone peering in the window, or viewing me in some other way. It was new and sexy, and I really liked it.
For some reason, I felt compelled to alter the way I clothed myself each day. I found myself dressing a bit spicier, and even went without a bra at times when I went about town. Kyle was home from school when I returned from my errands. If he looked, he would have seen the jiggling of my unencumbered breasts under only a thin cotton top. Or maybe he would have preferred to gaze at the sleek legs running down from under my short skirts. And to be honest, I think he did look.
We had somewhat settled into a regular routine at home. I had almost completely gotten over the shock of Kyle catching me in his room, when out of the blue he floored me with a question at dinner one evening. I could see there was something on his mind, so I asked him what was wrong.
He blushed profusely, but then began, "Well, you know how you said if there was anything I wanted, to just ask?"
I was truly excited for what was to come, wondering if he was finally going to open up to me. Maybe he'd share some tidbit of his past on which he needed my advice or support. Nodding enthusiastically, I replied, "Of course."
He took a deep breath, and then said, "You remember, ummm, the other day? When I saw you in my room?"
Instantly I felt sweat breaking out all over my body, wondering just where the hell this was going. I nervously responded, "Yes."
Very coolly, he stated, "I want to watch you again."
I don't think six simple words had ever shocked me so much. "What?" I shouted, not believing what I just heard, "You can't be serious!"
"But you said you'd do whatever I wanted."
"Holy Shit, Kyle! That's not what I meant, and you know it!" I yelled, dumbfounded that he would actually have the gall to ask such a thing.
"Fine," he muttered, and rose from the table with his dishes. I watched in stunned silence as he rinsed off his plate, set it in the dishwasher, and started towards his room.
I shouted to him before he made the hallway, "Kyle, I can't believe you just asked me that. There's just no way I can do it."
He waived his hand towards me dismissively and stated, "Typical."
I stood and yelled back to him, "Just what the hell is that supposed to mean?"
"It's always been like this," he replied, sounding exasperated.
"What do you mean?"
"When I was a kid, you said I could ask for anything, but I never got it. I'd ask for special cereal in the grocery store, and you'd say it was unhealthy. I asked for cool clothes, and you said we couldn't afford them. Same with the school trip to Washington, D.C. You always say ask, but the answer is always no. Why do I even bother?" He ranted on and on, then walked into his room and slammed the door.
To say I was stunned would be the biggest understatement of my life! I sat back at the table and tried to come to grips with what the heck had just happened. I had to admit, he was correct in some respects. Being a nurse, I never let him have the sugary treats that were the staples of his friend's diets. And of course, we were never wealthy, living in a fancier town than we really could afford, so we went without in other ways. I never dressed Kyle like a pauper, but he was not exactly the school trend setter either, that's for sure.
In spite of all that, there was just no way I could intentionally masturbate for my own child. How could he ever even think I'd agree to that? Did he believe that just because I purchased him a couple adult magazines, and admitted I played with myself that I'd just put on a show for him? I was astounded!
I let my nerves calm down for a few minutes, and then went to his room to talk to him. I knocked on Kyle's door, and heard a loud, "Go away."
Despite his comment, I turned the knob and went in anyway. Kyle was at his desk, on his laptop, and looked at me with anger clearly written across his face. I softened my own as best as I could and said, "Honey, let's talk."
"What's the point, Mom? You'll talk; I'll listen, just like always. But nothing will really change."
I tried my best to control my nerves, but I was rapidly tiring of his attitude. "Kyle, I'm sorry if I've let you down in the past, I really am. But this is one thing that just will never happen. I shouldn't have been in your room, and I'm sorry you saw what I was doing, but that's it. It'll never happen again."
Kyle stared back at me with daggers in his eyes, then said, "Fine, Mom. Can you close the door on your way out?" With that he turned back to the computer and began typing away.
I was pissed! I walked out and slammed the door behind me, needing to get away from my son for fear I'd say something I would regret. I don't think I had ever been so upset. I found myself pacing back and forth from the kitchen to the living room the remainder of the night, silently continuing to argue with Kyle in my head. When I finally climbed into bed, I suffered through one of the least restful night’s sleeps of my life.
The next few weeks were like silent torture. Kyle found reasons to be out of the house, even spending some nights at his father's place, which I know he didn't like to do. On the rare occasions when he was home, he was constantly in his room with the door closed in protest. Over dinner I'd receive the silent treatment, before he'd clean his plate and leave me alone once more.
Boy, I had really made a mess of things. I was mad at Kyle, but even madder at myself. All my intentions had been so good, and now here I was feeling the worst I had in my entire life. If possible, I felt lower than I had during my divorce. I tried to engage Kyle in conversation on a few occasions, but he'd either waive me off or ignore me completely. Almost every evening, I'd cry myself to sleep wondering how I'd let this all happen.
One night at work, Diane, my lesbian friend, struck up a conversation with me. She seemed to know something was wrong and asked me if everything was okay. I broke down in tears and told her I was having trouble with Kyle. She ushered me into an empty patient room and closed the door, then stood behind me rubbing my shoulders as I cried. I must say, it was wonderful to have someone so close, and I found myself leaning back into her for support. My emotions had been so on edge of late, I basked in her attention.
"Tell me what's wrong," she stated as she softly kneaded my tense muscles.
I began blabbing about Kyle, and how we weren't speaking, but of course I couldn't tell her why. Words poured out of my mouth, basically telling her I felt like a failure as a mother. She was wonderful and listened to everything without judgment. "That's it, let it all out," she said as she caressed me.
When I calmed down a bit, Diane wrapped her arms around me in a tight embrace, and then softly began kissing my neck and cheek. I actually twisted my head to provide her better access. She must have been encouraged by my reaction because her hands slowly moved up my tummy until she was cupping my breasts. Diane whispered in my ear, "Let me make you feel better, Jill." I almost fainted.
With my busy work schedule, I rarely had time to date. In all honesty, I had not been intimate with another person in over a year, and never with a woman. But at that moment my body was simply on fire.
A moan escaped my lips as she rolled my hard nipples between her fingers. She seemed to intuitively know exactly what I liked and began toying with all my hotspots. Her kisses moved up the tender flesh of my neck until she took my earlobe between her teeth and gently tugged it playfully. At that very moment she ran a hand down my belly until she pressed it up firmly against my mound.
A huge part of me wanted to give into the sensations and just let her take me, but I simply couldn't. I was nervous about being with a woman but was also terribly afraid of being caught in such a compromising position at work and possibly losing my job. With a great effort, I forced her hands away and almost ran out of the room, saying, "I'm so sorry, Diane."
That morning I drove home slowly, wanting to arrive after Kyle left for school. I went to the bathroom and took a long hot shower, trying to wash away all my troubles. As I soaped my chest, I couldn't help but remember the feel of Diane's hands on my breasts. She had been so gentle with me; the moment was almost magical.
After I exited the shower, I toweled off and made my way to bed. My body was still tingling, certainly ready for more attention. I grabbed the small shoebox I kept hidden in the back of the closet and pulled out my vibrator. Other than my own fingers, it was the only thing that had been inside my pussy in ages, and today it was going to get a workout.
I eased myself down onto the bed and basked in the softness of the cotton sheets against my naked skin. My fingers twisted the base of my toy to turn it on its lowest setting, and then I began teasing my nipples with the tip, one at a time. I thought about Diane once more as my nipples grew hard and wondered just what else she would have done to me if given the time. I imagined her rubbing them, and then bending over to kiss and suck them.
My chest rose and fell with each deep breath as I worked my nubbins. The fire in my loins that had started earlier had not been extinguished, so I ran the vibe down my belly until I contacted my pussy. The hard plastic tip slid easily across my wet labia as I caressed the entire area, drawing contented sighs from my lips. After only a minute or two, I couldn't wait any longer and eased the fake cock into my cunt.

I twisted the base once more and turned the toy up higher, in great need of more stimulation. Feeling it probing my insides, I suddenly forgot about Diane and instead imagined a young stud sliding his prick deep within me. My mind first went to Doctor Whitney, a surgeon who was frequently seen on my floor. He was married, but rumor had it he had been with half the staff. Word at the nurse's station was that he was quite good too.
For some reason, at that moment I suddenly thought of Kyle. My eyes quickly went to the door, needing to ensure nobody was there watching me as had happened before. I was relieved to find that I had closed it tight, and at that time he should have been safely in his second period class at school.
I tried to refocus on Dr. Whitney once more, but his face kept slowly morphing into that of my own son. I did my best to fight the image, but as I began driving the vibrator in and out with greater urgency, it was Kyle's face that I saw. I spite of myself, when I came, I whimpered, "Oh Kyle!!" My hips rocked violently as I rode the orgasm out as long as possible, before I rolled into the sheets, desperate for sleep to take me.
My mind was quite troubled the next few days. Kyle was still avoiding me, which was actually okay given the fact that I had been fantasizing about him both in my dreams and when I toyed with myself. I was also ashamed of how I ran out on Diane at work.

As I lay in bed one sleepless evening, I thought about what Kyle had asked for. Would it really be that bad? After all, he had already seen me once; could another time make things any worse? Right there and then I made up my mind. I would do it for him, but with two caveats to which he had to expressly agree.
As I made dinner the next night I was on pins and needles. I downed a glass of wine as I cooked, trying to steady my frazzled nerves. I was really going to do this. As we ate, I once again received the silent treatment, as expected. When he was almost done with his plate, I took a couple deep breathes, and said, "Kyle, I have something I need to discuss with you."
He said nothing, but simply rolled his eyes. Teenagers!
I took a long sip of my wine and asked, "You know the thing you asked me to do? The thing you wanted to see?"
Immediately I saw him perk up and look at me intently. Clearly his interest was piqued, and he wanted to know more as he rapidly nodded his head.
"Well, I'm willing to do it," I said as calmly as possible, and after a brief pause added, "Under two conditions." Kyle's eyes went wide as manhole covers, as he sat in stunned silence. "You have to agree with everything I ask, or it's no deal. Do you understand?"
Kyle nodded his head again vigorously, but I told him I needed to hear him agree. "Yea, I understand," he answered enthusiastically.
"First, this is a onetime only occurrence. It happens once and we never even talk about it again." I took a bit of time to let it sink in, while Kyle sat listening intently. "Second, under no circumstances do you tell another living soul about this. NO ONE!!!!" I stated, staring directly into his eyes.
"Okay, I agree," he quickly muttered, nodding his head like a bobble head doll.
"I'm going to my room for a while, and then I'm going to take a long bath. I want you to come to my room at 8:30, okay?"
"Sure Mom, eight thirty," he replied enthusiastically.
Was I completely insane? I may have enjoyed a couple of glasses of wine earlier, but my mind seemed sharp as a tack. An ongoing dialog ran back and forth in my head nonstop. At times I listened to the voice that said this was crazy and I needed to stop things before they got out of control. But at others a more resolute voice emphasized it was the only way to move forward, so I needed to steel my nerves and just get it over with.
After sitting in the darkness of my room for what seemed like hours, I made my way into the tub and poured a warm bubble bath. I settled in under the thick suds and relaxed as best as I could given the circumstances.
Upon exiting the tub, I dried off with a large bath sheet, and then wrapped myself in my thick terry robe. Since this was going to be a onetime only event, I wanted to make it memorable. I grabbed my electric razor and decided to trim my bush, which was way overdue. I remembered how all the playmates in the magazines were beautifully trimmed and sculpted down below. After I completed the task, I looked at my pussy in the mirror. Not airbrushed like the Playboy girls, but I loved it.

I went back and forth from the dresser to the closet as I contemplated what to wear. Obviously, I needed something that would provide access so I could touch myself, but just how much did I want to show? I didn't know if I could actually let Kyle see my pussy, maybe just a quick glimpse under a nightgown or skirt.
I settled on a short lavender nightie I had not worn in ages. It was a gift from my ex on our last Valentine's Day together and had remained in my drawer since long before the divorce. When I looked in the mirror, I liked what I saw. It was a sexy little number, but more classy than slutty, something I felt pretty comfortable wearing in my son's presence.
Maybe this would be a good time to tell you about myself. I stand about five foot five, with blue eyes and long dishwater blonde hair. I have a medium build, with medium breasts and a pretty firm butt. I've been told I'm quite attractive, but I would describe myself more as girl next-door cute as opposed to hot.
I sat down in front on my makeup mirror and added just a hint of color to my face. My cheeks were flush as I was already anxiously anticipating what was to come. After fixing my hair, I looked at the clock and it was almost eight thirty, so I stood and moved to the bed.
Wanting to look sexy, I sat back against my headboard, propped up by a few pillows. I spread my arms out across the pillows; trying my best to look like a vamp from the movies I had seen when I was younger. My pulse quickened as I awaited Kyle's arrival, just certain he was going to agree to my conditions as he had earlier.
At exactly eight thirty, there was a soft knock on my door. Words almost stuck in my mouth, but somehow, I was able to grumble, "Come in."
Slowly the door cracked open, and in walked my son. He came forward just a few steps, and then stood tentatively near the foot of the bed, looking more nervous than I was. I let him soak me in for a short time, and then asked, "So, you agree with everything I asked?"
Kyle nodded his head and replied, "Yes."
Even though I had resolved to go through with it, the magnitude of the situation didn't hit me until that very moment. My son wanted to watch me masturbate, and I was actually going to do it. Suddenly I felt tightness in my chest and a light sweat began to break out all over my body. I had to take a couple deep breaths before I told him to have a seat on the bed.
Kyle sat staring at me for a while, I'm sure expecting the show to begin, but I hadn't really thought how to proceed. I mean, what exactly did he expect to see? I looked back at him, but that only made me too nervous, so I closed my eyes and moved my hands to my belly.
I had never done this before, not even for Kyle's father, so I figured I would start slow and see where things went. Very gently, I began to caress my stomach with both hands, and gradually moved them up and down my torso. After playing the tease for a while, I ran my hands to my breasts and cupped them through the thin material of the nightgown. My fingers lightly kneaded the soft flesh before I touched my hard nipples. There was no escaping the fact that I was already getting very turned on.
My mind raced as I wondered just what Kyle might be thinking. Was he turned on by my display, or was he disgusted that his mother could do something so overtly sexual? My eyes had been closed the entire time, but I had to see the expression on his face. When I opened them, I found Kyle starring at me intently. There was a look of wonder on his face, certainly not disgust. I couldn't help but glance down to his crotch, and discovered a surprisingly large lump in his jeans. My baby boy was excited, the thought of which sent a shiver down my spine.
There I was, actually touching myself, for my own son's benefit no less. Suddenly my inhibitions seemed to fly out the window, and I wanted to put on a good show for him.
I began to roll my nipples between my fingers, as I stared directly into Kyle's eyes. Every now and then I would give them a tug or a squeeze, which made me whimper loud enough for him to hear. When I decided to do this for him, I contemplated letting him see me naked, but thought the chances were next to nil that I'd actually go through with it. Yet at that moment I impulsively was determined to let him see me in all my glory.
Very slowly I slid one hand to my shoulder and eased the spaghetti strap down my arm. Gazing at him intently, I then did the same on the other side. The nightie remained in place, clinging to my chest in defiance of gravity. Not a word had been spoken in minutes, when I finally broke the silence with, "Do you want to see them?"
I didn't think Kyle's face could be any redder, but I was wrong. As a crimson hue washed over his face, he quietly answered, "Yes."
Very sensually, I moved my fingers back to my chest, and traced them back and forth over the silky fabric. I then curled them just under the lace seam, and slowly pulled downwards. Inch by inch I dropped the nightie, until my breasts came fully into view.
Kyle looked astounded as he unabashedly soaked in the sight of my unencumbered boobs. I have always been told my breasts were nice, and judging by the look on his face, my son thought so too. My 34 B titties were still pretty firm, and were capped by cute pink nipples, which were hard as little rocks at that moment. I cupped my breasts once more and began toying with them. Starring back into his eyes, I asked, "Do you like them, sweetie?"
He didn't say a word but just nodded profusely. I saw him adjust the way he was sitting; I'm sure due to the stiff member that was mounding his pants obscenely. A perverse thrill ran throughout my body, knowing I was the reason for his condition.
My body was on fire and I knew that an orgasm could not be far off. I ran one hand from my chest down my belly, until I cupped my mound. I pressed my fingers tightly into my crotch, savoring both the feeling I had and the look on my son's face as I did so. I couldn't help but whimper as my fingers ran over the soft material covering my hot, wet cunt.
I slumped down lower into the bed, and slowly dragged my feet up to my bottom. With the sexiest smile I could muster, I eased my knees open, until I was spread wide for his gaze. The nightie and my hand were still covering my groin, but little else was left up to his imagination. Emboldened by my earlier question and felling a bit naughty, I asked, "So, do you want to see me down there?"
I actually heard him suck in air, before he gasped, "Yes."
"I thought so," I whispered with a wink, as I moved my hand from my crotch to grasp the hem of the nightie. Very slowly, I drew the gown upwards until my cunt was completely revealed. I looked down at my beautifully trimmed pussy, and found my labia were puffed out in excitement and covered in a sheen of dew. I had never really found that part of my body particularly sexy before, but suddenly I thought it looked really hot. I was like the women in those magazines, but only here in real life.
My lips were soaking wet and very warm as I lightly traced my fingers up and down my slit. I was ready to explode with a climax at any moment, so I decided to slow things down just a touch. Knowing that Kyle had never seen a woman in this way before, my inner nurse decided to give him an anatomy lesson. I figured if anyone ever found out what had happened between us, I could insist it was just a Sex Ed class.
With my feet pulled up the way they were, there was a large gap between Kyle and me, so I asked him to move closer. As he slid, his hands covered his groin; I'm sure trying to hide his arousal. I'm sure it was not very erotic, but part of me wanted to tease him to prolong things. I used my fingers to hold myself open as I pointed out the various parts of the female form. I intentionally left the clitoris for last and explained its wonders while gently caressing it. My entire body was literally shivering with excitement when I said, "If you want to drive a woman wild, lick her right here."
My brief tutorial finally over, I relaxed back onto the pillows and began rubbing myself in earnest. This was no longer a lesson for my son; this was mommy's time to get herself off. I couldn't help it as I moved one foot to Kyle's thigh and began stroking with my toes it as I fingered myself. Only a moment later, I exploded with a gush over my probing fingers.
My body shook with spasms so hard and for so long I was afraid I may actually pull a muscle in my abdomen. As my mind cleared, I realized that I was still slowly rocking my ass into my fingers. When I looked up, I found Kyle staring back at me with an intensity he had not even shown towards his beloved video games.
Still in a heightened state of arousal, I stared at his groin for a moment, and then looked up into his eyes. I could tell by the uncomfortable look upon his face he knew what I had seen, so I gave him a reassuring grin and said, "That must hurt baby, why don't you take it out."
Kyle's eyes went wide, as if shocked by my statement. I was certain he was still a virgin, so this was quite a watershed moment for him. There was obvious tension written across his face, so I offered him encouragement. In my most soothing tone, I said, "Take it out for me, mommy wants to see it." He groaned aloud, but did not move a muscle, so I whispered, "It's okay. It's just you and me tonight. Don't be shy."
Very slowly, Kyle's hand went to the front of his jeans, and began to rub his impressive bulge. I was certain he was about to cum in his pants but felt relief when he moved his fingers to open his jeans and snaked his hand down inside of them. He fumbled around a moment, and then fished his cock out into the soft light of my room.
To say I was stunned would be an understatement. Although not very thick, my son's cock had to be at eight inches long. I was wondering how I'd never noticed it before, and how the girls at school were not all over my little boy. I found myself salivating as I looked upon it in all its erect glory for the first time, thinking it the absolute perfect size to suck. Giving head was one of my old specialties, and that long, narrow sword appeared perfect for swallowing.
When I looked back up into Kyle's face, I could see the uncertainty in his eyes. His whole body posture read, "What now, Mom?" I gave him a soft grin and said, "Go ahead, touch it for me."
Apparently, the uncertainty vanished quickly, because Kyle's hand shot to his crotch and he began stroking himself with vigor. He seemed to be struggling to rub his cock still partially trapped within the tight confines of his jeans, so I told him to take them off. He seemed reluctant to release his hard member, but he stood and pushed his pants and shorts down and unceremoniously kicked them away. Without being asked, he also pulled off his tee shirt and cast it away as well. It was hard to believe my eighteen year old son was completely naked before me.
Kyle sat upon the bed once more and began furiously jerking himself off. My body was aflame as I watched his lewd display. I wanted him to enjoy the moment as much as I had, so I instructed, "Slowly, sweetie, go slow."
Kyle's hand began to crawl up and down his shaft, but I could see the urgency in his eyes. I started thrusting three fingers in and out of my pussy, in perfect time with my son's sliding palm. It was obvious he was close to an orgasm, and I wanted to cum with him. I could hear his breathing increase as he sucked in air, and I knew I was about to see juice shoot from his rock-hard cock.
"It's okay baby, let yourself go," I moaned, as I fingered myself rapidly. Kyle gave into the moment and began fisting his cock so quickly that his hand was a blur. Seconds later I watched as blast after blast of cum erupted from his prick, splashing in ropes across his chest and abdomen. I had never seen anything so overtly sexual and came once more upon my driving digits.
I have no idea how long it was before my mind came back to the present, but when I did, I found us both gasping for air. Kyle had collapsed back upon my bed in exhaustion, while my head rested upon the pillows, as weak as a ragdoll.
Neither of us said a word for a long while, I'm sure equal parts astounded, excited and embarrassed by what just happened. Kyle appeared too weak to move, so I decided to be the mom and take control. I pulled the two straps back across my shoulders and adjusted the nightgown over my chest. I stood on wobbly legs, and made my way to the bathroom, where I grabbed two washcloths. I soaked one in warm water and then rang it out, before heading back to my room.
Kyle was still lying prone across my bed, and I couldn't help but think how handsome yet vulnerable he looked at that moment. My motherly instincts kicked in, and I dropped to my knees on the floor beside him. Suddenly he was my little boy once more and I needed to take care of him.
He looked nervous as I dropped the damp cloth on his chest, and gently began wiping up the puddles. I ran the towel across Kyle's firm chest, and then moved it lower as I tried to wash the cum from his abdomen. My eyes were riveted by the cock no more than a foot from my face, and ever so slowly I ran the washcloth even closer. It almost felt like an out of body experience as I wrapped it around his flaccid penis, capturing it firmly between my fingers.
Even though I had cum twice, holding my son's cock in my hand sent a tingle throughout my entire body. This was no longer the child I bathed in the kitchen sink years before, but a man. I slowly ran the wet fabric up and down his shaft, and then replaced it with the dry one. I dried his crotch, and then rubbed my way up to his chest to finish him off.
I sat on the bed beside him, and gazed deeply into his eyes. Kyle looked so sheepish, like he had done something wrong, so I reached for him and pulled him into a hug. "You have nothing to be ashamed about, sweetie." I whispered in his ear as I stroked the soft skin of his back.
We held onto one another for a good five minutes, until I suddenly felt quite self-conscious about being so close. I pulled back a bit to look him in the eyes, and then gave him a soft kiss on the lips. "You should go get some rest now," I whispered softly, and he simply nodded in assent.
As I watched him collect his pants, it was obvious Kyle was hard again. I felt bad sending him away in such an overheated condition, but figured he'd certainly be able to take care of himself in the privacy of his own room. Touched with great sympathy, inexplicably I said, "Kyle, remember, this stays between US!!."
"Yes, Mom," he responded emotional spent, looking as happy as a puppy dog.
I gave him a soft smile and said, "Well, good night, Kyle."
"Night, Mom" he replied, and shuffled off towards his room.
When I awoke the next morning, I felt more refreshed than I had in ages. However, I was genuinely fearful of what I might find from my son. Would Kyle still respect me as a mother, or would he see me as some kind of whore for what I had done? I hoped for the best as I climbed out of bed and slipped into my robe.
As I walked down the hallway, the smell of fresh-brewed coffee wafted into my nose. When I arrived in the kitchen, I expected to find my son, but instead the room was empty. He left a brief note upon the table, letting me know he had to run to school, but there was hot coffee in the pot, as well as a fresh fruit smoothie in the fridge for me.
I honestly felt quite touched. Maybe this was his way of making it up to me for being such a pill the last few months, or maybe he just really enjoyed our special time together and this was his way of angling for a repeat session. Either way, I was happy. In spite of all my trepidation about putting on a show for him, the early results seemed positive.
I was very pleased by Kyle's behavior the next few days as well. He was extremely attentive to me, but never once mentioned what we had shared or requested another go. Not that the idea wasn't appealing to me, as it honestly had been hard for me to think about anything else. I tried not to tease, but I felt such a sexual energy around him it was hard not to flaunt myself just a bit.
At work a few days later, Diane approached me to ask how things were going at home. I told her everything was much better, and she actually looked disappointed. Deep down I could tell she hoped things were still bad so she could once more offer her intimate support. I was feeling a bit naughty, so I pulled her into a hug and mashed my breasts up against hers. Just before I broke our embrace, I whispered in her ear, "Thanks for thinking of me." As I walked away, I intentionally put some extra wiggle in my hips and hoped she was watching. God, I was feeling super sexy!
Kyle and I were watching a movie on TV just days later, and things on the screen got quite spicy between the lead characters. Although they were under the covers, it was clear they were simulating having sex, with the male on top of the female. I was feeling exceedingly horny and wondered if Kyle was as well. I glanced over and couldn't help look towards his groin. I was not surprised to see a large lump in his sweatpants, and knew he was enjoying the scene as much as I was.
When the movie ended, I stood and began walking towards my room, but stopped after just a few paces. I turned to look back at my son, and said, "I think I'll take a bath." After a pause, I asked, "Would you like to come to my room for a bit before you go to bed?"
Kyle nodded his head rapidly, as he said, "Heck Yea Mom!!"

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