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Family On a Winter’sNight

MariaMaria is verified member.

Staff member
Mar 12, 2023
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When I wake it is still dark. I roll onto my back and take a deep breath sighing a little as I slowly exhale. The house is quiet and still around me the only sound being the occasional stronger gusts of wind disturbing the trees beyond the window. The bed is warm despite the cold of the night and I wonder if the forecast snow has arrived or not. Slipping out of bed I walk across the room to the window, open the curtains a crack, and peer into the darkness. The garden is carpeted in white and, when the wind gusts, the soft, barely audible, puttering against the glass in front of me tells me that it is snowing still. I let the curtains fall back into place and, as I am out of bed, I open the bedroom door and walk quickly along the landing to the toilet. Slipping my cock out of my shorts I have a pee and it is then, as I am peeing into the toilet bowl, that I remember that she is in the house. My little Sylvie is with me again. My cock swells a little in my hand at the simple thought of the twelve year old girl asleep in my spare bedroom. I wonder how I could possibly have forgotten that she was sharing the house with me once more.

When I have finished peeing I give my cock a couple of lazy strokes of my fist back and forth along its length thinking about the girl. I close my eyes and imagine her snuggled in bed beside me: her body a gift from the gods, warm and pliant; her nakedness a delight of smooth flesh and softly rounded curves and clefts. I can almost feel her small hand playing with my cock and my fingers exploring between her legs. I stop myself before I get too carried away. I have saved myself for her – I must not weaken now. I flush the loo and pad softly back to the bedroom leaving the door ajar, hopeful she might arrive in the hours before dawn, and slip back into bed. I think of her again in the warmth and comfort of my bed but the darkness and the softly gusting wind lulls me back into the oblivion of sleep.

I wake again, momentarily disoriented, as I feel someone getting into bed with me. I know at once that it is her; I know the smell of her soap and the familiar weight of her beside me. I turn my head towards her in the not-quite-darkness – morning cannot be too far away – and smile. “Hello you,” I say quietly, “I’ve missed you lots.” I turn onto my side so that I am facing her and she snuggles up to me. I put my arm across her body and as I stroke her back and buttocks I realise with a small thrill of delight that she has come to me naked. It would seem that she wants me as much as I want her and that knowledge fills me with such urgent longing that I give a small groan of desire as I caress her body.

“I’ve missed you too,” she says softly and the sound of her voice makes me realise anew just how much she means to me. “Are you sleepy or can we do things?” she says. I kiss her gently with little butterfly pecks on her lips as I turn my hand on her back, so that the fingers are pointing south, and then slide it downwards along the silky smooth flesh until I feel the cleft of her buttocks with my middle fingertip. Then I slowly slide that finger into her delightful crack until I find the rosebud of her anus. Slowly and gently I tease at the pucker of her bottom; around and around, pushing just a little harder with every revolution until the tip of that lucky digit finds it way past the tight little ring of muscle and into the warm, moist tunnel beyond. I hold it there for a few moments delighting in the tightness she exerts on my fingertip before pulling it back out and then cupping her perfect buttock in the palm of my hand. I lazily stroke down along the back of her thigh and then pull her leg towards me lifting it up to rest on my legs thereby exposing the treasure between her legs to my exploring fingers.

We kiss with a sudden passion; our open mouths allowing our tongues to probe and search for each other in the soft sweet wetnesses. As we kiss I find her slit with my fingertips and caress back and forth along its silky length slowly parting her plump lips and exploring the intimacy between them. She mewls softly and I give a low moan of excitement when I find the yielding declivity of her gorgeous little hole. She is wet enough that I am able to push a finger slowly up inside her and, as I do, I feel her grasp my cock and pull it up between our bodies before starting to slowly masturbate me. I finger her increasingly slippery, wet pussy with the same gentle rhythm as that of her small fist pumping up and down the shaft of my erection. The inside of her vagina has a glorious textured feel and is shallow enough that I can explore its full depth with my fingertip. I am very gentle with her because I am aware of the tender, sensitivity of her cervix and do not wish to hurt her in any way. I want only to give her pleasure. After a short while I break our kiss and ask, “Would you like me to lick you as I finger you?” her reply is immediate, without even the slightest hesitation.

“Oh yes please,” she murmurs quickly. “Yes, yes, yes… ”

“Why don’t you turn around and kneel over me; and then, if you want to, you could suck my cock at the same time.” She is moving before I have finished speaking and it takes us a moment or two to organise the quilt so that our heads are in the open but our bodies are covered and warm. When we are comfortable and settled her sweet little pussy is mere inches from my face in the near darkness. I can smell the faint aroma of her vulva and it stokes the furnace of my already white-hot desire for her. When she takes the head of my cock into the wet warmth of her mouth I worry briefly that I might not be able to contain the sudden surge of pleasure I feel. I use my hands to bunch my pillows thus raising my head so that I hardly have to lift it at all to engage my tongue with her. I open her lips with the balls of my thumbs and move my nose up and down her opened slit inhaling deeply the mixed odours from her body.

There is the unmistakable, musky scent of her pussy; the sharper tang of her urine and the sweet, warm smell of the sweat from her body. I flex my cock inside her mouth in my excitement and then lick her from the bottom end of her slit right up to the puckered rosebud of her anus. I repeat that action half a dozen times delighting in the feel of the differing textures of her private parts. Then I move my head away from her once more and sigh in pleasure as she sucks my cock. I look at her genitals in the shadowy twilight, parting her lips once again so that I can see her little cunt as a slightly darker smudge between her lips at the end of her slit closest to her anus. My desire to fuck her is almost overwhelming in that moment but I suppress my lust, consoling myself with the certainty that I will, a little later on, in the strengthening light of the morning, undoubtedly do just that.

After a little while spent just gazing at her gorgeous little vulva I move my head forward a little and suck into my mouth the small ear of flesh which covers and protects her clitoris, catching it between my lips and stretching it upwards a little before releasing it and then poking the tip of my tongue beneath it, so that I can lick the glans of her clitoris directly. I know how much she likes that feeling so it is no surprise when she takes her mouth off of my cock and groans softly with pleasure before saying, “Oh God… You know I’ll cum if you do that for very long… ” As she quietly sighs and moans with pleasure she begins to move her fist briskly up and down my cock masturbating me as she continues to enjoy the feelings I am giving her.

When I sense from her little shivers of pleasure that her orgasm is getting close I move my tongue away from her clit to allow her arousal to subside a little. And, as I feel her mouth engulf my cock once more, I slowly lick up between the lips of her slit knowing, with a thrill of excitement, that I am licking her tiny pee-hole as I do so. I have watched her have a pee in the past and been incredibly aroused by what I witnessed and dearly want to be even more intimate when she is actually peeing and then to fuck her immediately afterwards. One day perhaps… For now I use my tongue to lick around and around the opening to her vagina as I use the thumb of my right hand to caress the protuberance of her clitoral hood. In the weeks we have been apart I realise that, despite my best efforts, I have forgotten just how good her sweet little cunt tastes. I lose myself in the soft, slippery wetness of her love-hole as my thumb is busy on her clit whilst her lips and tongue, together with the sensuous wetness of her mouth, are steadily increasing the level of my arousal as she moves herself up and down my achingly hard cock.

Soon enough my arousal elevates to the point at which I know, with a delicious certainty, that my orgasm is rapidly becoming an unstoppable force deep within me. The swirling currents of excitement and pleasure coursing through me are but heralds for the ultimate joy of release when I will ejaculate and, for those few instants of incomparable pleasure, become insensible to the world around me, lost in whichever slippery, wet orifice encloses my pulsing cock and catches and holds my cum. Now, in this moment of semi-darkness, and with my tongue busy at the slippery entrance to her cunt it is Sylvie’s mouth that I am soon going to cum into.

Doing my best to slow my precipitate gallop towards orgasm for just a little while longer I simultaneously make an effort to accelerate the moment of Sylvie’s sexual climax by moving my mouth to her clitoris and licking that sensitive nub with a brisk rhythm at the same time as I slip a finger into the textured tightness of her hole once more and begin to finger-fuck her. I can sense her closeness to orgasm by the muted sighs and groans she gives as she continues to suck my cock. When the noises from her mouth become an almost guttural, rhythmic mantra I know she has lost any vestige of control and is about to explode with the pleasure of orgasm. I almost hold my breath as I struggle to maintain the rhythm and cadence of my tongue and finger until, in a moment of exquisite delight, she gives a squeal of pure, untrammeled pleasure as the plump flesh of her vulva begins to pulse and throb and I feel her pussy clenching around my finger.

Sylvie’s moment of release sends me tumbling ever closer to orgasm as waves of heat and tingling course through me and I arch my lower back and buttocks up off of the bed thrusting my cock deeper into her mouth. Eyes closed, head pressed hard into the pillows beneath it I fight to hold back the seemingly unstoppable tide of pleasure… Holding back and still holding back and then, at last, I give in to the inevitable and, as a result of a hugely powerful contraction expressed deep between my legs, the first, and almost overwhelmingly pleasurable, pulse of cum boils up from an unknowable source within me and barrels along the length of my cock and I give a long, moaning “Ahhhhhh… ” of toe-curling delight as I spurt it, almost fiercely, into her mouth. Then I am lost in the moment – spurting and spurting in a succession of ecstatic moments, feeling Sylvie’s mouth and throat working as she swallows repeatedly, taking everything that I have to offer down inside herself until I am spent. Then, slick with sweat and panting after our exertions, we slowly subside from our shared sexual high and, almost lazily, I greedily lick the dribbles of viscous, bitter-sweet orgasmic secretions which slip out in an erotically slow tide from Sylvie’s gorgeous little pussy.

When reason and sanity hold sway once more and, almost in unison, we stir and begin to reorient ourselves, the light in the room has grown in intensity and I can see the tone of Sylvie’s skin as she writhes and scrabbles to settle herself beside me once more. We both kick and pull to get the quilt back into a semblance of order until we are snugly covered and warm beneath its comforting weight. Then she snuggles into me and looks up into my face with a look of ‘the cat that got the cream’ about her. “That was nice,” I murmur and she nods and smiles. “It’s no use me lying though my sweetheart,” I say softly and then give her a little kiss. “I can barely contain my desire to be inside you again. To make love to you… ” Another tender kiss. “To fuck your gorgeous, sweet little hole once more.”

“I know,” She says softly in barely a whisper her eyes locked on mine. “Neither can I. I ache to feel you fill me completely. To be stretched open by your cock and then slowly filled. But I’m sleepy now. I’m always sleepy after I cum.” I feel her stretch and then shiver a little as her body relaxes.

“Spoons,” I say and she turns away from me and goes into a foetal position. I move close to her and then mould myself around the shape of her body and legs. My front against her back; the front of my thighs tight against the backs of hers. My cock, soft and unresponsive for now, snugly in the space where the cleft of her buttocks opens into her crotch. It rests mere millimeters from the heaven of her warm vagina. I drape an arm over her body and cup one small, warm breast in my hand. She has grown I realise; her breasts are getting a little bit bigger. I love them being small though. I have always fancied women with small tits. A thought wends its lazy way through my sleepy head as I fondle Sylvie’s firm breast: Perhaps I have always fancied women with small breasts because really and truthfully, deep down inside myself, I have actually always fancied young girls more than anything else in the world.

Sylvie’s breathing slows and alters in rhythm as sleep overtakes her; her body, in an almost too subtle to contemplate manner, softens beside me as she fully relaxes into her slumber. I move my head to gently kiss the smooth, soft skin of her shoulder and then I too settle and, closing my eyes, begin to imagine the pleasure of her body which awaits me. As I drift towards sleep I remember and see, in my mind’s eye, the moment that I took Sylvie’s knickers down for the first time. I recall my excitement at the innocence of her simple, pink slit but, as my level of consciousness ebbs away so too does the image until there is nothing but darkness behind my eyes and I am lost to the world.

When I awaken the room is light. The night has ended and been replaced by the new day as we have slept. Sylvie is still fast asleep beside me but the awareness of her young body immediately arouses me and I feel my cock begin to stiffen into the small gap at the apex of her thighs. I move her hair away from the angle of her neck and shoulder and begin to nuzzle and kiss her. I nibble her ear and breathe softly into it and feel as, almost straight away, that erotic sensation begins to make her stir from sleep. I move my right hand back up onto one of her breasts and with my thumb begin to rub over her nipple. “That’s a nice way to wake up,” she says sleepily and I feel her open her legs a little to allow my now fully hard cock into the space between them. I groan with pleasure and move my hips in a gentle parody of sex as I fuck myself back and forth along the softness of her slit.

“Hello again my treasure,” I whisper as my cock slides to and fro in the delightfulness between her closed thighs. “What would you like for breakfast?” As I speak I move my hand down across her tummy and abdomen and find her clitoris. “Something nice I hope… ” I move my index and middle fingertips in a swirling circular motion around and across the protuberance of her clitoris and its hood. “Something long and slow perhaps… ” As I am speaking Sylvie puts a hand between her legs and presses the length of her fingers against the underside of my cock as it ploughs the neat furrow of her vulva. I groan at the loveliness of what I am feeling and squeeze her pert, little breast just a little tighter rolling the small hard button of her now erect nipple between finger and thumb.

“I’m certainly hungry,” Sylvie mutters almost absentmindedly. “I need to put something inside me or I shall starve.” Then she giggles at her own naughtiness and I bury my head in the angle between her shoulder and her slim neck as I laugh with her.

“I would never want you to starve my sweetness,” I eventually murmur and then I move myself away from her a little, pulling my cock out from between her legs as I do so, and then helping her to roll onto her back. She opens her legs for me and as I kiss her mouth in a frenzy of sudden passion and lust I slide my fingers down the length of her slit and push my middle finger deeply up inside her. She is beautifully wet and slippery and I am suddenly desperate to fuck her. Taking my finger out of her cunt I climb on top of her and settle myself between her legs. She draws her knees up until her heels are touching the backs of her thighs and then lets them fall sideways so that she is completely open for me. I briefly, and in a slightly ungainly fashion, scrabble to get myself into position such that my hips are in a good position to drive my cock up into her. Then I straighten my arms thereby lifting myself up off of her and look down between our bodies to where her delicately boned hand with its lovely slim fingers has quickly taken hold of, and is guiding, my achingly hard cock towards the entrance to her body.

When she locates the tip of my penis into the declivity of her vaginal opening I look up at her face and she meets my eye and smiles almost shyly at me. I bend to kiss her softly on the lips as I gently thrust myself at her. I close my eyes and sigh with pleasure as I feel myself ease into her just a little. In my mind’s eye I visualise her hole stretching open as the swollen glans of my cock begins to penetrate her. I ease back a fraction and then push my hips forward again and my cock slips a little more deeply into her. Still the glans has not fully opened her such that the shaft of my cock can slide unhindered into and along the heavenly tunnel of her cunt. I ease back again and thrust forward once more and this time it happens. In a sublime moment the head of my cock pops fully into her and the tightness of her opening closes around the shaft. I am in heaven; lost and found… I am home again inside my Sylvie. “Ahh my love I’ve missed you… I can’t tell you how lovely that feels.” I kiss her again as I push four inches of hungry cock slowly but surely up into her body and, when I feel a soft resistance to further penetration, I lower myself onto my elbows and slip my hands under her arms and then grip her at the angle where her arms join her shoulders.

“You feel so big when I am full of you like that,” Sylvie whispers to me. I pull myself almost completely out of her pussy and then slide straight back in again groaning at the pleasure of the friction of her hole on my cock. “God, you are big this morning. Big and so, so hard.”

“And your gorgeous little pussy is so tight and slippery that I could just die with the pleasure of you. I wish I could fuck you for ever and never have to stop. My God I’m lucky… So very lucky”

We kiss with an urgency borne of mutual lust as I fuck her with slow, even strokes. I am lost in the tightness and texture of her cunt. Every nerve ending in my cock sending messages of pleasure to my brain. I close my eyes and see the piston of my cock in the runkled, pink cylinder of her cunt as our union progresses with a steadily increasing cadence. The sound of my cock traversing in the wetness of her pussy is erotically liquid in nature and the unmistakable smell of our urgent sexual intercourse begins to fill my nostrils as I fuck her ever faster. I want to hold back; to make our fuck last longer but the pleasure of it is simply too much. The all-embracing tight perfection of her pre-teen cunt is more than any mere man could withstand the arousing effects of for very long. I have an urgent, passionate desire to just let myself go and fuck her till I cum deep inside her cunt… But should I? Dare I?

“Oh Christ my love I can’t last long… ” I blurt out suddenly, “I have to know before I cum – have you had a period yet? Please say you haven’t.” My orgasm boils at the edges of my understanding; it is a physical force, pent-up and huge behind the crumbling dam of my self restraint. I look down into her eyes willing her to respond but I can sense that she too is lost in the ascent towards sexual climax. Her eyes have a faraway look in them as if she is seeing something far beyond the mortal reality of the straining man above and inside of her. Then, as if snapping back to reality from whatever place it was that she was lost in, she shakes her head as I continue to fuck her with short rapid strokes. ‘Oh Christ,’ I think, ‘I am nearly there… For God’s sake reply girl… ’

“No… No I’ve not had a period yet… Never, never… ” I close my eyes and lose myself in her body, finally able to give myself over to the inevitable. I continue my delightful plunging into and out of the heavenly perfection of her cunt until the moment arrives when a wave of total, muscle-weakening pleasure courses through my body and soul. Then, and only then, do I stop and, holding myself motionless deep inside her, surrounded by the textured softness and slippery wetness of her incomparably wonderful cunt, I give a cry of pure, animal pleasure as I have an orgasm and simultaneously ejaculate. I spurt and spurt my cum into that darkly pink place that is human and wonderful and forbidden and taboo but which I know, with a certainty, that is overwhelming in its completeness, is the only such place in all the world that I ever want to experience such pleasure within ever again during what remains of my life.
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