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- #1
My wife and I have finally agreed that she should seek sex elsewhere than at home, as I have become impotent due to heart medication.
At first she was completely dismissive, and she couldn't imagine how it could happen.
One day I saw a website with single parties, where the concept is that you sign up for a stay at a nice hotel with a party in the evening and rooms for the night.
All rooms are double rooms with a double bed, but are rented out to singles.
I loved the concept immediately and saw the opportunity for a breakthrough. I wrote out a bit about the party and the concept and gave it to her at the breakfast table.
"Shouldn't we book two rooms?" I said, "Then we go to the party as singles, and you can freely decide how far you want to go. If you don't want anything, we can just sleep together and go home the next day and have had a mini vacation, but if you meet someone you'd like to dance with and kiss, you can see how it develops."
She said she would think about it and would let me know as soon as possible.
That very night she said she thought it sounded like a good idea if I was 100% sure I wouldn't get jealous and mad if the evening turned into what the whole concept was about. In truth, I replied that I would love to see her dancing and kissing seriously with someone else, and that I sincerely hoped I would have to sleep in my own room so she could have a visitor in hers.
I ordered two rooms, each in a separate name, and began to get excited to see what would happen. We didn't talk about it until Saturday morning, when we had to leave right after lunch. "Are you absolutely sure you want this?" she asked cautiously, "we can still manage to cancel."
I replied, as before, that I would love to see her beautiful and dressed a little cheekily, and that I would love to watch her from a distance at the party, and that she should do exactly as she pleased. The truth was, I really wanted to see her seduced.
We drove towards the hotel, but stopped along the way at a taxi rank, where I dropped her and her suitcase off at a taxi. I drove to the hotel a little too quickly, so I was there and installed in my room when she arrived. I was standing at the bar when she reported herself at the reception desk. Tight black trousers, high heels, a transparent blouse under an open jacket. Really, a beautiful girl of her age, we are both over 70.
A few of the single guys openly glared at her and whistled silently as she walked up the stairs.
"Wow, sexy and beautiful lady", said one of them, I would like to dance with her. Good looking man, much younger than us, probably in his fifties.
A little later it was time for dinner. There were four fairly large tables with twelve on each, and we were placed at neighboring tables so that we could see each other's faces. She hadn't changed, she still wore the see-through blouse with a small cheeky black bra underneath, covered by her nice leather jacket, which was unbuttoned. You could just see a hint of the bra in the center opening. Damn she is beautiful, I thought.
And indeed, her admirer was sitting right across from her. That bodes well, I thought. I blew an air kiss and she responded with a smile. During the meal there was lively talk everywhere, my wife talking much and eagerly with everyone at her table, but her eyes rested more and more on her admirer, who could not conceal his joy at her presence.
Throughout the dinner, the two talked more and more, and when we reached the end of the dinner, the two went together to a coffee table and sat next to each other.
I managed to maneuver myself to the vicinity so that I could follow the development. My wife saw me sit down and smiled happily at me. My heart jumped and I thought, 'YES, it's going to happen!' I smiled back and gave her a happy nod, making a silent whistle as I gave her the elevator look.
The music started and he promptly asked for a dance. They were lucky, a slow soul, so there was occasion to dance closely, which indeed they did. His hands strategically placed, one on her ass, the other on her hip, and miraculously it had pushed the jacket aside, giving him a clear view of her transparent blouse. If I had been able to get an erection, I would have gotten it right there! They danced through many numbers, while the conversation went merrily between them. She is fabulous at talking to all people and making them feel comfortable in her company.
They sat down and I opened my app so I could hear the microphone in her bag.
"What do you expect from the stay?" he asked.
"A nice evening and maybe a nice night," she replied.
"Looking for a committed relationship?"
"No, I just want to have a nice weekend."
"How long have you been single - and are you divorced or widowed?"
"Who says I'm single?" she replied.
"And you? Are you single?" she continued.
"Yes, I'm divorced" he replied. "But what do you mean, you're not single?"
"No, I'm married, I just wanted to be alone at this party and test my limits, she said."
"What does your husband say about that?" he replied.
"It was probably mostly his idea, he thinks that I will benefit from meeting other people without his company."
"What will he say if you cheat on him?"
"We will not perceive it as infidelity, as long as it is just a nice evening and maybe night."
"I get an absolutely invincible urge to dance again," he said.
"Good idea, she answered," and as said, then done, out on the dance floor but then the microphone went silent - it should probably have been in her jacket pocket!
Now they were dancing close, very close, and it didn't look like they were talking much, but his hands were busy checking everything. They danced long and very close until their lips met. At first a little hesitant, then intense and more and more insistent with more and more openly open mouth. I was SO close to cum in my pants right there!
I got up and headed towards the toilets. When I came out she was waiting for me.
"Are you OK?" she asked.
"Yeah, hell, I'm enjoying every second," I replied.
"And you have no regrets? I think he expects us to sleep together."
"Regrets? No, and of course you're going to sleep together and I hope you will have the time of your life tonight." I kissed her and continued, "I love you and I'm dying to see you with him. I think you should go to the bathroom and take off your bra and go back to him. That will be final sign that he has scored you!"
"Do you really mean that?"
"Yes, I mean that, and then you just have to dance the last few dances before you go to bed."
"You really mean it!" she said.
"Yes, I mean it quite seriously. I would like to see it happen, but I might be allowed to do that another time."
She disappeared into the toilet and I went back to the party where he sat waiting longingly for her, he looked directly at the doorway until she appeared. He stood up when she came back to greet her nicely and he widened his eyes when he saw that the bra was gone.
"Shall we dance again?" he said.
"Yes, thank you, I would very much like that, but then we must also go to bed soon."
"Your room or mine?"
"It doesn't matter to me, but we have to move some luggage."
They danced a bit and again he managed to maneuver the jacket open. Both were clearly enjoying it. After a long, very long, intense kiss, where his hand disappeared completely under the jacket, they drifted apart and went back to the table to get her bag. Our eyes met, she with a slightly questioning expression, I nodded discreetly and blew an air kiss as they walked hand in hand towards the rooms.
I was insanely curious, but turned off the microphone anyway, I guess it wasn't fair to listen along.
The next morning at breakfast they came down to the restaurant quite late; they had been busy in the morning too, it seemed. They ate together and talked intensely all the while. I couldn't help myself and turned on the microphone.
"But what do you think your husband says about us wanting to see each other again?" he said.
She replied, "I just don't know, but I'll find out and send you a message. I really want to see you again."
"Maybe we can do it without his knowledge?"
"No, I can't, I have to ask him if it's ok."
I turned off again.
I sent a text and asked if he could drive her home, he didn't know I was there. A little later: 'Yes, he'll drive me home.'
I drove home and sat in the bedroom by the window so I could see them coming. They came, he gallantly opened the door for her and fetched her luggage for her. They kissed again - long and intense, I thought, 'Shut up, she's enjoying it well enough, but what about the neighbors? They don't want to see that, do they?'
I went out and received them. He was somewhat embarrassed, she a little questioning, she must have had doubts as to whether everything was ok with me. I kissed her on the mouth and gave her a hug. Then I said to the guy, "I hope you took good care of my wife."
"She needed a ride home", he said, trying to look innocent.
"Come in, I'll make you an espresso," I said.
They came in and he gallantly carried her suitcase. I made three espressos and we sat in the living room.
"Did you have a good evening and night?" I asked.
My wife replied, "Yes, thank you, we danced a lot, and Henrik is a born gentleman, so we had a lovely evening."
"And did the night go well despite the age difference," I asked.
Henrik again looked somewhat embarrassed, and my wife replied, "Yes, it was absolutely wonderful to be fucked again; what about you, how did you feel?"
"Honestly, I had a great time, it was my dream come true. Do you think you will see each other in the future?"
My wife replied, "It's entirely up to you, I would very much like to, and Henrik would also very much like to, but only if you are ok with it."
"I will love it, and I hope that in time I will be allowed to participate with what I can. Henrik, you are always welcome here in our house."
It was the start of my life as a cuckold. I enjoy it a lot, my wife gets a lot of good sex, and I get to participate with my tongue. Licking pussy with cum in it is amazing; every man should try it at least once!
At first she was completely dismissive, and she couldn't imagine how it could happen.
One day I saw a website with single parties, where the concept is that you sign up for a stay at a nice hotel with a party in the evening and rooms for the night.
All rooms are double rooms with a double bed, but are rented out to singles.
I loved the concept immediately and saw the opportunity for a breakthrough. I wrote out a bit about the party and the concept and gave it to her at the breakfast table.
"Shouldn't we book two rooms?" I said, "Then we go to the party as singles, and you can freely decide how far you want to go. If you don't want anything, we can just sleep together and go home the next day and have had a mini vacation, but if you meet someone you'd like to dance with and kiss, you can see how it develops."
She said she would think about it and would let me know as soon as possible.
That very night she said she thought it sounded like a good idea if I was 100% sure I wouldn't get jealous and mad if the evening turned into what the whole concept was about. In truth, I replied that I would love to see her dancing and kissing seriously with someone else, and that I sincerely hoped I would have to sleep in my own room so she could have a visitor in hers.
I ordered two rooms, each in a separate name, and began to get excited to see what would happen. We didn't talk about it until Saturday morning, when we had to leave right after lunch. "Are you absolutely sure you want this?" she asked cautiously, "we can still manage to cancel."
I replied, as before, that I would love to see her beautiful and dressed a little cheekily, and that I would love to watch her from a distance at the party, and that she should do exactly as she pleased. The truth was, I really wanted to see her seduced.
We drove towards the hotel, but stopped along the way at a taxi rank, where I dropped her and her suitcase off at a taxi. I drove to the hotel a little too quickly, so I was there and installed in my room when she arrived. I was standing at the bar when she reported herself at the reception desk. Tight black trousers, high heels, a transparent blouse under an open jacket. Really, a beautiful girl of her age, we are both over 70.
A few of the single guys openly glared at her and whistled silently as she walked up the stairs.
"Wow, sexy and beautiful lady", said one of them, I would like to dance with her. Good looking man, much younger than us, probably in his fifties.
A little later it was time for dinner. There were four fairly large tables with twelve on each, and we were placed at neighboring tables so that we could see each other's faces. She hadn't changed, she still wore the see-through blouse with a small cheeky black bra underneath, covered by her nice leather jacket, which was unbuttoned. You could just see a hint of the bra in the center opening. Damn she is beautiful, I thought.
And indeed, her admirer was sitting right across from her. That bodes well, I thought. I blew an air kiss and she responded with a smile. During the meal there was lively talk everywhere, my wife talking much and eagerly with everyone at her table, but her eyes rested more and more on her admirer, who could not conceal his joy at her presence.
Throughout the dinner, the two talked more and more, and when we reached the end of the dinner, the two went together to a coffee table and sat next to each other.
I managed to maneuver myself to the vicinity so that I could follow the development. My wife saw me sit down and smiled happily at me. My heart jumped and I thought, 'YES, it's going to happen!' I smiled back and gave her a happy nod, making a silent whistle as I gave her the elevator look.
The music started and he promptly asked for a dance. They were lucky, a slow soul, so there was occasion to dance closely, which indeed they did. His hands strategically placed, one on her ass, the other on her hip, and miraculously it had pushed the jacket aside, giving him a clear view of her transparent blouse. If I had been able to get an erection, I would have gotten it right there! They danced through many numbers, while the conversation went merrily between them. She is fabulous at talking to all people and making them feel comfortable in her company.
They sat down and I opened my app so I could hear the microphone in her bag.
"What do you expect from the stay?" he asked.
"A nice evening and maybe a nice night," she replied.
"Looking for a committed relationship?"
"No, I just want to have a nice weekend."
"How long have you been single - and are you divorced or widowed?"
"Who says I'm single?" she replied.
"And you? Are you single?" she continued.
"Yes, I'm divorced" he replied. "But what do you mean, you're not single?"
"No, I'm married, I just wanted to be alone at this party and test my limits, she said."
"What does your husband say about that?" he replied.
"It was probably mostly his idea, he thinks that I will benefit from meeting other people without his company."
"What will he say if you cheat on him?"
"We will not perceive it as infidelity, as long as it is just a nice evening and maybe night."
"I get an absolutely invincible urge to dance again," he said.
"Good idea, she answered," and as said, then done, out on the dance floor but then the microphone went silent - it should probably have been in her jacket pocket!
Now they were dancing close, very close, and it didn't look like they were talking much, but his hands were busy checking everything. They danced long and very close until their lips met. At first a little hesitant, then intense and more and more insistent with more and more openly open mouth. I was SO close to cum in my pants right there!
I got up and headed towards the toilets. When I came out she was waiting for me.
"Are you OK?" she asked.
"Yeah, hell, I'm enjoying every second," I replied.
"And you have no regrets? I think he expects us to sleep together."
"Regrets? No, and of course you're going to sleep together and I hope you will have the time of your life tonight." I kissed her and continued, "I love you and I'm dying to see you with him. I think you should go to the bathroom and take off your bra and go back to him. That will be final sign that he has scored you!"
"Do you really mean that?"
"Yes, I mean that, and then you just have to dance the last few dances before you go to bed."
"You really mean it!" she said.
"Yes, I mean it quite seriously. I would like to see it happen, but I might be allowed to do that another time."
She disappeared into the toilet and I went back to the party where he sat waiting longingly for her, he looked directly at the doorway until she appeared. He stood up when she came back to greet her nicely and he widened his eyes when he saw that the bra was gone.
"Shall we dance again?" he said.
"Yes, thank you, I would very much like that, but then we must also go to bed soon."
"Your room or mine?"
"It doesn't matter to me, but we have to move some luggage."
They danced a bit and again he managed to maneuver the jacket open. Both were clearly enjoying it. After a long, very long, intense kiss, where his hand disappeared completely under the jacket, they drifted apart and went back to the table to get her bag. Our eyes met, she with a slightly questioning expression, I nodded discreetly and blew an air kiss as they walked hand in hand towards the rooms.
I was insanely curious, but turned off the microphone anyway, I guess it wasn't fair to listen along.
The next morning at breakfast they came down to the restaurant quite late; they had been busy in the morning too, it seemed. They ate together and talked intensely all the while. I couldn't help myself and turned on the microphone.
"But what do you think your husband says about us wanting to see each other again?" he said.
She replied, "I just don't know, but I'll find out and send you a message. I really want to see you again."
"Maybe we can do it without his knowledge?"
"No, I can't, I have to ask him if it's ok."
I turned off again.
I sent a text and asked if he could drive her home, he didn't know I was there. A little later: 'Yes, he'll drive me home.'
I drove home and sat in the bedroom by the window so I could see them coming. They came, he gallantly opened the door for her and fetched her luggage for her. They kissed again - long and intense, I thought, 'Shut up, she's enjoying it well enough, but what about the neighbors? They don't want to see that, do they?'
I went out and received them. He was somewhat embarrassed, she a little questioning, she must have had doubts as to whether everything was ok with me. I kissed her on the mouth and gave her a hug. Then I said to the guy, "I hope you took good care of my wife."
"She needed a ride home", he said, trying to look innocent.
"Come in, I'll make you an espresso," I said.
They came in and he gallantly carried her suitcase. I made three espressos and we sat in the living room.
"Did you have a good evening and night?" I asked.
My wife replied, "Yes, thank you, we danced a lot, and Henrik is a born gentleman, so we had a lovely evening."
"And did the night go well despite the age difference," I asked.
Henrik again looked somewhat embarrassed, and my wife replied, "Yes, it was absolutely wonderful to be fucked again; what about you, how did you feel?"
"Honestly, I had a great time, it was my dream come true. Do you think you will see each other in the future?"
My wife replied, "It's entirely up to you, I would very much like to, and Henrik would also very much like to, but only if you are ok with it."
"I will love it, and I hope that in time I will be allowed to participate with what I can. Henrik, you are always welcome here in our house."
It was the start of my life as a cuckold. I enjoy it a lot, my wife gets a lot of good sex, and I get to participate with my tongue. Licking pussy with cum in it is amazing; every man should try it at least once!