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Sex Story Study Group Sex

MariaMaria is verified member.

Staff member
Mar 12, 2023
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After my girlfriend Jenny and I broke up, my social and sex life seemed to go on hold for awhile. I found that I now had lots of time to perfect my masturbation skills. Jenny simply moved on to another boyfriend. I began to see myself as just one more entry in her diary, but that didn’t keep me from bringing her sexy body to mind as I lay on my bed in the dark of night and stroked my rigid cock. I usually pictured her in her snug designer jeans, her cute round ass moving seductively in the cleverly tailored denim as she walked ahead of me in the hall at the local community college we both attend.

We both still live at home, which saved us money while we attended college. She and I are both 20 now, serving the last months of our academic sentence and eager to get on with the rest of our lives. My name is Rob, by the way.

But Jenny wasn’t the only girl that could give me a hardon and provide material for the powerful cums I always tried to get when I jerked off. My older sister Pam could do that too. When I stroked my cock to a mental picture of Pam, the fact that she was my sister both interfered with my pleasure and added to it. The fact that she was clearly ‘off limits’ to me, and would never be the hot bedmate for me that I pretended she was, made the idea of playing with her sexually both totally unreal and wildly exciting for me at the same time. Pam is 23.

Jenny was short, cute, curvy, and blond. She was outgoing, flirtatious, laughed a lot, and had a reputation as a fun date. She seemed able to move from boyfriend to boyfriend effortlessly, winning their hearts and then breaking them without a second thought. My mother made no secret of the fact that she considered Jenny a poor choice of a girlfriend for me. My father loved her on sight, of course.

By comparison, Pam was shy, quiet, ‘girl next door’ pretty, tall and slender, brunette, and more serious. She had legs that seem to go on forever. Her reputation was that of a good friend and a safe date. As you might have guessed, Pam’s social calendar was much less crowded than Jenny’s, but I’d always thought of my sister as sexy. I’d been imagining what her naked body would look like, and how her delicate hands would feel wrapped around my cock, for a long time.

In my fantasies I had both of them. In my real life I had neither of them.

The secret thoughts I had of fucking my sister were brought into sharp focus by something Jenny said in one of the last conversations we’d had before we split up. I’d jokingly asked Jenny how I was going to get laid, now that she was no longer my girlfriend, and Jenny jokingly replied that I could just sneak across the hall at home and into my sister’s bedroom. And into my sister. We both had a good laugh at that, and Jenny’s beautiful eyes sparkled at her little joke. She smiled at me in a way that suggested she could see how attractive the idea was to a horny guy like me.

Jenny’s scheming mind went right to work, and at that very moment she conceived a plan to bring me and my sister closer together in the sexual sense. Jenny also intended to make sure that there would be lots of sexy fun in it for herself as well. ____________________

Even though Jenny was no longer my girl, and in fact was dating another guy regularly, she got me to help her study for exams, something I’d done the previous year with notable success both in her grades and in my attempt to become her boyfriend. As before, our joint study sessions were held at our house. Jenny and I would lie side by side on the carpeted floor of my room, on our stomachs, books and piles of ringbinder notepaper spread out in front of us, and together we’d do the study assignments for the courses we were both taking.

Sometimes I had trouble concentrating on what we were doing. Jenny’s pretty mouth and great body were close to mine, and smelled wonderful, but with my cock safely out of sight beneath me I didn’t have to explain why it was big and hard so much of the time. I couldn’t help glancing at the gentle curves of Jenny’s ass cheeks, pushed upward as she lay on the floor.

Occasionally my sister would pass by my door, coming and going from her room, changing into her casual clothes after she got off work, and she and Jenny would exchange smiles and hello waves. One afternoon Jenny beckoned Pam to come into my room. She asked my sister if she knew how to answer one question that had both of us stumped. Jenny patted the carpet, inviting Pam to lie between us on the floor. We quickly learned that Pam was able to solve most of the problems in our assignments more easily than we could, and soon it became a matter of routine for her to join us. Pam would lie between us on the floor, if Jenny was there when she got home, and she seemed to truly enjoy working out the problems along with us. I thought it was nice that the two girls got along so well, especially since Pam was making my tutoring tasks a lot easier.

It took me awhile to sense what was really going on between them. Jenny was boldly flirting with my sister, right in front of me, every chance she got. Pam seemed to enjoy the gentle teasing and playful touches that the girls exchanged. This sort of behavior came naturally to Jenny, but I wondered if Pam had any idea what Jenny was up to. Jenny would sometimes shift the conversation away from the homework to ‘girl talk’, and the girls would discuss clothes, and makeup, and boys, almost as if I wasn’t there.

Once when their talk became a little naughty, when some aspect of sex came up for discussion. Pam half-jokingly suggested that the conversation wasn’t appropriate, with me listening in, but Jenny just laughed and said that I was old enough to handle it. Their naughty talk resumed.

They were driving me crazy. The two females that I daily fantasized about playing with sexually were lying close to me almost every day, dressed in clothes that showed off their attractive figures, and talking openly and casually about sex. A few times I didn’t want to stand up when it was time for Jenny to go, because of the obvious hardon in my pants. The two girls would leave my room together, giggling down the hallway about some silly thing they both found funny, their arms about each other as if they were sisters.


As the week of final examinations drew closer, Jenny’s need for help with her studies increased, and our joint work sessions grew longer and lasted past the dinner hour into the evening. Several times Pam had to give Jenny a ride home, as the walk wasn’t safe for a young woman alone late at night. I thought it might have been my overactive imagination, but it seemed to me that those trips took longer than they should have. And Pam looked just a bit disheveled on her return, as if she’d been in a bit of a scuffle.

I considered confronting Pam about it, to find out if Jenny had been up to anything weird on those late night drives, but I decided not to make waves over it because there was an unexpected side effect to it that I rather liked. For some reason, Pam was unusually affectionate toward me after driving Jenny home. She would give me warm goodnight kisses and hugs before she went to bed, something she’d rarely done before. It was as if the drive had turned her on somehow.

Pam is nearly as tall as I am. The feeling of her firm slim body pressed to mine, her breasts flattened against my chest and the gentle swell of her belly teasing my half-erect cock was sexually arousing, frustrating, and strange all at the same time, in a way that I found thrilling. I always had to jerk off afterwards, just to help me get to sleep.

The fantasy images I used to heighten the pleasure of my self-induced cums were sometimes of Pam, kissing and touching me in ways a sister is not supposed to. And sometimes they were of Jenny, eagerly inviting me do things with her that we hadn’t done for months. And sometimes they were of Pam and Jenny, doing God knows what with each other when I wasn’t around. A couple of times, when my horniness was at peak levels, I tried to imagine the three of us doing sexy things together, but those thoughts always got me to orgasm so quickly that I never got a chance to think through what I might actually want to have happen in that situation.

Sleep, when it did come, was restless and disturbed at best. I would often be jolted awake by erotic dreams, and discover myself breathing rapidly and having a fistful of my fully erect cock. I was becoming a nervous wreck, but I had to admit that my sex life had never been this exciting before. My orgasms had never been this powerful and satisfying. I didn’t know whether to curse the girls or to thank them for making me this way. The only way I could see myself obtaining relief from my almost permanent state of arousal would be for one or the other of the girls to give me that relief directly. And I didn’t see how that was going to happen, since one of them was now someone else’s steady girlfriend and the other one was my sister. Damn! ____________________

On the Saturday before exams, the three of us spent the better part of the day and evening in our usual mixture of serious study and playful banter. My folks had gone out for the day and evening, leaving us alone to make the best use of our remaining study time.

Every few hours Pam would order stuff like pizzas and fried chicken delivered, to keep us fueled up, and when they arrived she would call out, “Food Break!” and the work would be put on hold as we ate. Occasionally one of us would call out, “Bathroom Break!” and we’d all take a welcome breather from the routine.

To keep from getting stiff from sitting or lying in the same position too long, we moved around the house, all the while testing each other with questions from the textbooks or talking and laughing about something totally unrelated to the work. We moved from my room to the living room, and later to the kitchen, and later to Pam’s room. We settled onto whatever furniture or flooring seemed the most comfortable and welcoming, and sometimes that meant propping ourselves up against one another. I found it difficult to concentrate on the work when Jenny or Pam were lying with their head on my lap, as occasionally happened, and even more difficult when the three of us were sprawled on the same bed. But I didn’t complain.

At one point we were lying on our backs on Pam’s bed, balancing textbooks on our stomachs as we traded sample test questions. Jenny lay between Pam and me. Suddenly Jenny just tossed her book aside and called out, “Kiss Break!” Pam and I stared at her, wondering what she was talking about. She showed us.

Jenny bent over me, covering my mouth with hers, and kissed me wetly and with passion. Pam watched us, not saying a word. I tried to put my arms around Jenny, but she brushed them aside. When our kiss ended, she explained that this was a Kiss Break, not a Grope Break.

Then Jenny turned to Pam and kissed her the same way, her tongue sliding teasingly along Pam’s lips and then flicking between them into my sister’s mouth. I watched them, fascinated and turned on by the sexy sight of two attractive women deep kissing. I was stunned by the realization that they were both totally comfortable doing it.

And then things got even crazier.

Jenny climbed over my body to lie outside of me. I was now the one in the middle, lying between Jenny and Pam. Jenny told me that it was my turn. I hesitated for a moment, not certain what I was expected to do. Jenny raised her eyebrows in exasperation, mumbling something about the stupidity of men in general. She pulled me half over her, brought my face down to hers, and we kissed again, this time with even more intensity and unmistakable sensuality. When she’d apparently had enough for the moment, she released me and motioned with her head that I was now supposed to kiss Pam. The game now made sense to me.

I bent over my sister’s lovely face, looking directly into her eyes for some sign that she was okay with this, and saw only love and willingness there. Our mouths met, and then our tongues, and I kissed my sister for a long time.

“There, that wasn’t so hard, was it?” said Jenny, moving again so that Pam was now in the middle of us three. “Your turn, Pam,” Jenny said with a smile. “Me first.”

Pam bent over Jenny, and they kissed again, more deeply. It was obvious to me that the two girls had done this before, possibly many times, and I realized why Pam returned from those late night drives a little messed up and a lot turned on. Then Pam turned to me, and kissed me without hesitation, moving her mouth over mine and teasing me with her tongue. By the time Pam ended our kiss, we both knew that our relationship would never be the same again.

Back to work,” said Jenny, as if nothing out of the ordinary had just happened. I picked up my book and tried to return to the study questions. But my mind was filled with erotic thoughts, and effective concentration was impossible for me. Jenny may have announced that our little game was over, but I think we all knew that it was really just beginning.


The frantic pressures of exam week came and went, the rituals of graduation followed, and suddenly it was summer and time seemed to move at a different pace. Jenny had no reason now to visit our home, but she invited Pam and me almost every weekend to visit her and make use of her family’s backyard pool. The pool was totally screened from view from the neighboring homes, and Jenny’s parents knew better than to pry around when their daughter had guests at the pool, so we had all the privacy we could want..

The girls had discovered their shared delight in bisexual play. The kissing games that Jenny had introduced us to had become much more adventurous, more sexually explicit, and more like foreplay to serious sex. I loved watching them cavorting in and around the pool in their skimpy bikinis, and the sight of my fully erect cock tenting out my swimsuit seemed to encourage us all to try to stimulate each other to ever greater intimacies. We kissed and touched each other teasingly, and my masturbation fantasies of actually engaging in sex with one or both of the girls seemed less far-fetched.

We played tag in the part of the pool where Jenny, the shortest among us, could comfortably stand in water up to her armpits, and since the tags were all made underwater, the choice of which body parts would receive the playful slaps was pretty well unrestricted. I loved seeking out the girls’ breasts and buttocks with my roaming hands, and the girls found ways to brush the bulge in my swimsuit with their hand or to press against it with an extended foot. At one point Jenny escalated the contacts by dragging her hand slowly and firmly through my crotch, causing me to cry out in delighted surprise. The next time she was ‘it’ she did the same thing between Pam’s legs, and it was my sister’s turn to let out a squeal of pleasure at the unexpected caress.

Suddenly there seemed to be nothing that wasn’t permissible in the game. Pam tagged Jenny by pouncing upon her, and in the grappling that followed Jenny’s halter top floated away, leaving Jenny’s breasts to float on their own at the water’s surface.

Jenny grinned at Pam, as if to say, “So you like playing dirty, do you?” and headed straight for Pam with hands ready to tear the bra straps of Pam’s suit from her shoulders. Pam waited calmly until Jenny was almost upon her, and then simply held up her own halter top, which she’d removed by herself, and handed it to a laughing Jenny.

Jenny grabbed Pam and kissed her hard. Pam returned the kiss eagerly. I couldn’t take my eyes from the sight of their bared breasts flattened against each other.

Jenny seemed to be trying to remove Pam’s bikini panty, although it was hard for me to be sure what her hands were doing under the water, and then it seemed that Pam was trying to do the same thing with Jenny’s swimsuit bottom.

“Can I help?” I suggested. and was pleased when Pam nodded and said, without taking her mouth from Jenny’s, “C’mon, Rob, help me get this thing down over her ass cheeks!” I stepped up behind Jenny, and in one smooth motion slid the tiny piece of fabric down and off. I would have sworn that Jenny had positioned her legs to make it easy for me to do.

“Help me get Pam’s, Rob,” panted Jenny, but when I moved around behind my sister I was too late. Pam had already slid her bikini panty down and off, and I found my hands gripping the bare flesh of my sister’s firm ass. I took a long moment to enjoy the feeling, and before I released my grip Pam turned around, took me in her arms, covered my mouth with hers, and thrust her tongue between my lips.

My head spun with the intense sensations of the moment. My sisters mouth and tongue were playing with mine, her nipples poked at my chest, her belly pressed mine, and what I was sure was the mound of her pussy rubbed over my hardon. Jenny had moved around behind me, and while I was otherwise distracted she tugged my swimsuit down and off.

The three of us stood there together, in water just deep enough to cause the girls’ breasts to float slightly away from their chests, all of us naked, and all of us aware that something very big in our lives was about to happen.

Jenny reached around me. One of her hands gripped the shaft of my cock, and the other was apparently fingering the opening to my sister’s pussy. Pam ended our kiss and nestled her head on my shoulder, still in my embrace, and she sighed audibly at the delicious feelings Jenny’s fingers were sending through her body.

“Stop, Jenny,” I said, “Please…” hardly believing my own words. “If you keep this up I’m going to make a mess of the pool water.”

“Then let’s get out of the pool,” said Jenny. “I don’t want to stop yet.”

After locating and gathering up our swimsuit parts, we stumbled up the pool’s steps, rather awkwardly because none of us wanted to lose physical contact with the others.

We lay down on a beach blanket on the pool deck, and our kisses and intimate touches resumed. Pam and I lay side by side, kissing each other and moving our hands gently and caressingly over each other’s bodies. Our kisses alternated between light brushes of our lips against one another and far more intense tongue probings which left us gasping in our shared excitement.

Jenny lay over our lower bodies, her mouth and hands moving back and forth between my cock and my sister’s pussy, intent on bringing both of us to orgasm if she could. Suddenly, without warning, Pam’s body went rigid for a moment and then began to shiver almost violently, her panting breaths replaced by shrieks and cries that might have suggested she was in pain if we didn’t know she was in ecstasy.

Jenny grabbed the nearest piece of our discarded clothing, which was Pam’s bikini panty, and wrapped it around my cock. She began to masturbate me forcefully with the cool slick nylon spandex garment, as she moved her mouth and tongue along Pam’s pussy slit and made sure that none of Pam’s precious cum fluids escaped her lips.

My own cum rushed up from my balls and practically exploded from the head of my cock into my sister’s bikini bottom. I held Pam in my arms, trailing kisses over her face and neck, as her shaking gradually subsided and we both came back down to earth.

Jenny licked some of my cum from the panty, and moved up into our joint embrace to kiss us both and share our love juices among us. It was a beautiful moment for all of us.

Some time later, after we had rested and our breathing had returned to normal, Jenny handed me Pam’s bikini bottom and asked me to lick it clean. I did that, noticing faint traces of other smells than just that of my cum, and I found myself getting hard again. This was apparently what Jenny had counted on, because she knelt over me and guided my upthrust cock slickly into her pussy.

But the story of that fuck and the sexual activities that followed it, both on that day and on other days throughout the summer, will have to be told some other time.